Friday, October 15, 2010

Solar Awning at 818 Post Road

H&H Group Holdings installed a 42 panel, 9.072 kW solar electric system on the front of our new offices.  The array consists of 42 Sharp ND 216 (watt)U C1 solar modules, mounted in an awning configuration.  An awning is less expensive than a flat roof installation, is more visible and allows for more air flow behind the panels.  This keeps the panels somewhat cooler and also provides shade for the office windows on the south side of the building.  The DC power from the solar array is converted to AC energy by three inverters.  A Fronius IG Plus 3.01, Kaco 1501 and a Power One Aurora 5000 deliver AC energy to the Madison Gas & Electric grid.  By entering in the Green Power Tomorrow Power Partner program, H&H is able to sell every kilowatt hour back to the Utility for 25¢.  Over 10,000 kilowatt hours of electricity will be generated by the system annually. The installation is a great way for H&H Solar Energy Services to show customers exactly how solar works in a working model.


  1. The installation is a great way for H&H Solar Energy Services to show customers exactly how solar works in a working model.


  2. The installation is a great way for H&H Solar Energy Services to show customers exactly how solar works in a working model.

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